8:00am | 10:00am | 12:00pm
Sanctuary Setting
Adult Only Policy: Our services in the Sanctuary are designed for adults only. Our goal is to teach the Bible and to worship God in an atmosphere free of all distractions where people can focus on the Lord. For this reason, only children age 11 or older are permitted in the sanctuary.
Alternative Seating: We provide a room for nursing moms in the nursery area, as well as an overflow room in the Fellowship Hall for those parents who would prefer not to be separated from their children.
If you ever need help finding your way around the building, just ask any of our friendly ushers or greeters.
Worship: Public worship at Calvary Chapel is essential to the life of our church. We have contemporary worship during the services, with the emphasis on worship, not contemporary. We have gathered a number of different worship recordings from conferences and special events and make them available for you edification on our online resource site, resources.ccphilly.org.
We offer a variety of services for youth of all ages during many of the adult services on Sundays and Wednesdays:
Children’s Ministry is a quality, age-appropriate childcare ministry that is offered during all Sunday and Wednesday services. Each teacher spends time in study and prayer before your child enters the classroom. The exciting classes and activities reflect the love and care of the Lord. Our program designed for Special Needs children is available only during the 10am service. Find out more information at kids.ccphilly.org.
Junior High Ministry: For students in grades 6 though 8, Junior High meets every Sunday morning and Wednesday night for Bible study during the adult service, as well as small group meetings and a variety of other events throughout the year to make solid Christian friendships. For more information, checkout jrhigh.ccphilly.org.
High School Ministry: Catalyst is CCPhilly’s fellowship of students in grades 9 through 12, regardless of where they attend school. With a focus to be built up as a group and as individual young men and women in the ways and will of the Lord, they meet every Wednesday evening during the adult service for fellowship, worship, and in-depth studies of the Scriptures. They also have discipleship groups and a variety of other events throughout the year. To find out more, go to catalyst.ccphilly.org.
Spanish Service: Spanish speakers of many nationalities meet for a weekly service during the 10:00am Sunday Morning study. The service consists of worship in music, in Bible study, and in fellowship.
- El ministerio en Español dese invitarte a participar con nosotros en el estudio de la Palabra de Dios. Nuestro servicio consiste de adoración en música, en estudio de la Biblia verso por verso y en comunión. Nuestro grupo hispano se compone de muchas diferentes nacionalidades. Vengan los Domingos a las 10:00 am.
Russian Translation: Live Russian Translation is available during the 12:00pm service on Sundays.
There are many other groups that meet during the week. Browse the Get Connected and Get Support pages to find out about all the ministries here at CCPhilly.